Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Hey, welcome to my blog, I am so excited you visited with me today!! Grab a cup of coffee and join me for a few minutes. I don't know about you, but I NEED a few minutes of peace and quiet before my day starts. That is the purpose for this blog...to have some Quiet Reflections that may help remind us throughout the day what is important. Take for example, yesterday as the sun was rising I stood looking out my study window admiring the beauty of the colors that filled the morning sky. The brilliant colors of red, orange and blue were painted across the sky's horizon like an artist paints on a tapestry. A flock of birds flew by right in the path of my view of the sun and I sensed God placing a thought in my mind and heart, "See my birds and how I take care for them? Not one of them has to beg me for food or shelter. If I care for these birds, why wouldn't I care for you today. You are more precious to me than all the birds of the air!" In Matthew 6:25-34 God tells us not to worry about we are going to eat and drink (very comforting for someone like me who tends to eat when stressed or bored!), or wear. He says when we seek after God all these will follow. He will provide all our NEEDS, not necessariIy our WANTS. Getting our priorities right is the first step. When we start living for the Creator instead of created objects our worry level will deline a few notches. If a tornado came blowing through my house what would I grab on my way for shelter? My husbands' and childrens' hands, and my cats. Kind of brings everything into perspective doesn't it? Whatever "things" can be disposed of are really not worth the anxiety, sleepness nights, overload of working or family tensions. Those "things" that are worth working for are relationships, giving a cup of food or water to someone less fortunate, a hug given to a grieving parent or friend, a smile or kind word spoken to a stranger. I believe when we do these things we are seeking God's kingdom. Christ came to seek and to save those that were lost and hurting. When we bear His name (CHRISTians) we are His hand and voice to those around us.
Let's be Kingdom seekers today....His kingdom not ours.

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