Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dead man walking

John 11

This is Easter week. For some that means bunnies, egg hunts, new outfits, spring flowers, ham or lamb dinners, family gatherings, suffering, resurrection, hope, winters end and springs glorious colors…life.

Martha and Mary didn’t have the luxury of reminiscing about THE resurrection like we do today when they laid Lazarus in the tomb. Oh, they knew a resurrection was coming, just not the one they were about to experience.
Lazarus was everything to them; brother, provider, friend, safety….and now he was gone. Jesus had been a good friend to them, why didn’t he come when they first sent word of Lazarus illness? If he had, they would not be staring at a tomb holding their beloved brother. The death wails were ear piercing and heard for miles, had Jesus heard them? Tradition held that the spirit of Lazarus would hover over his body for three days listening to all those wailing for him. Would Lazarus realize his friend Jesus had not come in time to rescue him?
1. And then he came…"Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb."
Jesus is deeply moved when He comes to the “tombs” we live in today. He came to bring life, not death; freedom, not entombment (slavery); hope not despair. When we invite Jesus to deliver us from our tombs, He stands at the very entrance to Hell and proclaims, “I HAVE COME TO REMOVE THE STONE FROM THEIR TOMB AND TO BREAK THE CHAINS OF BONDAGE YOU HAVE ON THEIR LIVES. I HAVE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR THEIR FREEDOM.”

2. “Lord, he will stink!”
What is our odor to those around us today? Is it the “fragrance of life” or the stench of death? Will others long and crave after our scent? Or do we blend in so well with the world’s fragrance they don’t even realize we are different?
Paul said in 2 Corinthians 2:15 For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life.

3. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”
Lazarus walked out of the tomb with his “death clothes” still on. Had it been me, I would have felt like I was suffocating and would have ripped the grave clothes off while running out of the tomb! Until the graves clothes come off, the things of our past that bind us will prohibit us from walking in and experiencing “new life.”

4. The grave cloths only covered the hands, feet and face:
With our HANDS we receive, we give, we touch.
We ARE Christ’s hands extended to all…no matter the smell, the disease, or the social
With our FEET we go.
“Go into all the world”…we are to take His message of love, mercy, grace, and hope EV
With our FACE we see and express emotions.
Do others see Jesus in our eyes and expressions or do they see the Grinch?

May we be the very hands, feet and face of Jesus to all we encounter today
Let’s be people walking in the aroma of Life…not death.

1 comment:

  1. Thank the lord that Jesus sets us free from the "tombs" we may find ourselves in..
